Contacts    This is the main email for any or all inquiries. 

Join Us:  Interested in writing a post, poem, story.  You can participate as much or as little as your comfort level. Write a post, suggest or research a topic, promote, apply for a grant, support or advocate for a tour/route/retreat/gathering in your area.  

Celestial Labyrinths:  Beth Langley learned about these labyrinths in Croatia and we hope ....
Children's stories:  deb svnefelt is writing a book ....
Dance:  Wendalyn Bartley is developing a workshop to explore walking in consciousness connection with the patterns and rhythms of the Chartres Labyrinth structure.  This is a mindful practice that can be further enhanced by including vocal sounding while walking.
Events:  April 1st, maybe we can host an event in Toronto???
Training for teachers:  Beth makes an annual trip to Toronto to train Montessori teachers.

High Park-Toronto:  Susan Murphy (with Shawna) walk 4th Thursday of month.
Kenora:  Susan Murphy will research (TBA 2023)
Toronto, Grey Bruce, Owen Sound: deb svanefelt
Halimand North, Niagara Region:  Sara Reesor
Ottawa:  Susan researched - see post
Sudbury:  Requests photos, ideas for Ontario's Camino
Thunder Bay, Susan will research (TBA 2023)

Routes:  send photos/ write posts please
Ontario's Camino:  from Owen Sound, to Sudbury and ending in Ottawa.
Move Over Provence: starting in Ottawa and ending in Windsor.

Promote an events to a global audience:  (waiting for TLS website update)
Finding an event (local or global): (waiting for TLS website update)

How to join The Labyrinth Society - website being updated
How to become a trained facilitator:  see Veriditas website.
How to find a facilitator in Ontario: There is a list of Ontario facilitators on the Labyrinth Community Network of Ontario website as well as a database on the Veriditas page that allows you to search by type of facilitator (wellness, spiritual etc).


  • for a listing of tour companies from the OMCA we would have to be a supplier member in the Tour Service category. We would be a a tourism supplier with services to offer tour operators and our services include assistance in organizing tours of labyrinths across Ontario. A Tour Service membership is $435 per year and runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. 
  • Note:  We are developing template letters to send to tour companies to see if there is interest in managing a tour.  

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